A Leading Corporate Governance And Proxy Advisory Firm in India providing corporate advisory services, independent opinion, research and data on corporate governance issues as well as voting recommendations on shareholder resolutions
No platform to find out remuneration details of directors of companies registered on NSE and BSE to analyze their remuneration /compensation and compare it with their performance and with peer group.
Harrier developed a cloud based analytical tool that captures remuneration details of CEOs and directors for over 650 companies. The data provided in ComPAYre can be used to track the compensation, pay and performance and ESOPS details of directors.
The system provides performance and attribution analysis for mutual fund schemes across the Kotak Group, along with tracking of their financial ratios and valuation parameters. The aim is to have a consolidated and universal view across the entire spectrum, and to track and attribute the performance characteristics. It also helps fund managers to track and present the performance of portfolios and impact of their investment decisions on fund's performance. They can compare their portfolio with a model benchmark portfolio and with compliance criteria.
Basic details of directors
Qualification and job role details of directors
Compensation details (Fixes pay and variable pay)
ESOP Details
Pay and Performance details
Remuneration data for 500+ companies and 1400+ directors
Peer group comparison and validation
Analyze linkages between pay and performance
No range charting tool available with the facility to show median of min and max values. Harrier created the custom range chart in data visualization with median.
Functionality for high sensitive and complex data import.
ASP.Net Framework 4.5.1, MVC 4, SQL Server 2014